Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The strangest creatures living on Earth

Axolotl, a salamander
Axolotl, a salamander
Angora rabbit
Angora rabbit
The proboscis, or the long-nosed monkey
The proboscis, or the long-nosed monkey
The Pink Fairy Armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) or Pichiciego is the smallest species of armadillo
The Pink Fairy Armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus) or Pichiciego is the smallest species of armadillo
The blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) is a fish that inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of the Australian mainland and Tasmania
The blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) is a fish that inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of the Australian mainland and Tasmania
Tapirs inhabit jungle and forest regions of South America, Central America, and Southeast Asia
Tapirs inhabit jungle and forest regions of South America, Central America, and Southeast Asia
The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a small North American mole found in eastern Canada and the north-eastern United States
The star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata) is a small North American mole found in eastern Canada and the north-eastern United States
Frilled lizard
Frilled lizard
The smallest bear in the world, Sun bear
The smallest bear in the world, Sun bear
The Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is a lemur, a strepsirrhine primate native to Madagascar that combines rodent-like teeth with a long, thin middle finger to fill the same ecological niche as a woodpecker
The Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is a lemur, a strepsirrhine primate native to Madagascar that combines rodent-like teeth with a long, thin middle finger to fill the same ecological niche as a woodpecker


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