Sunday, August 2, 2009

radio silence

radio silence:-->

Sorry for the radio silence over here. It has been hard to get back into the swing of things after that long vacation. Here are some things I've been doing:

Watching the entire Season one and Season two Soooo good and sooo addicting. Once you start watching just plan on not doing anything else for the next few days.

Teaching letterpress Classes. I loved these cards that Sarah and Ryan from designed and then printed in my class. {They are so talented.}

I read In which has me really thinking about how we eat. I read Malcolm Gladwell's which I loved and I read which was wonderful and made me weep.

I've also been trying to take advantage of all the great things going on in the city. is a great resource for that.

I'll be back blogging like normal on Monday. Have a happy weekend! (If you've sent me an email over the past few weeks I'm still trying to answer them all.)


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